The Pitch
S/T [κασέτα]

MARCH 2018
This new tape release by The Pitch comprises two renditions of two of their newest compositional strategies (Molecular Motion and Pillars) captured with a new combined double cassette machine and digital stereo recording technique creating cassette delay and a grimy, expanded, acoustic sound.
The Pitch uses these compositional strategies to create pieces which give the players choices that can be made as they play in each particular musical environment. The balance and circumstances change from moment to moment depending on the individual decisions regarding dynamics, pitch, octaves, doublings and so on. The tension this creates keeps every rendition dynamic and alive. A challenge to play together and create a brilliant surface above unfathomable depths inside of a set structure every time.
About — The Pitch
With their particular electro-acoustic setup The Pitch manages to create “an atmosphere where the listeners perception is slowed down to make the smallest sonic details move from background to foreground.”
As the drones endure and tighten, the separate sound sources become nearly indistinguishable from one another, creating an indescribable, alien hum that’s more powerful than the sum of its parts.
Changes on both pieces are very slow, as you can imagine and throughout both pieces sound wonderful. It is in a way a very direct recording, but perhaps also very sonically detailed. Think Alvin Lucier but then perhaps a bit more melodic, if that makes any sense.